Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Not all National Trust properties are open yet, and those that are require pre-booking via their website, no later than 15:00 on the day prior to visit.

If you, or any of your party have a new persistant cough, or develop a fever of 38C, we would instead advise you to use the NHS's dedicated website for professional advice.

Durham Coast

Durham Coast is a wonderful place for walkers and for those who want to enjoy the scenery from the cliff top paths.The magnesian limestone that underlies this area has given rise to a spectacular landscape of cream-coloured cliffs intersected by steep-sided wooded valleys, or gills.In summer the coastal grasslands are awash with rare and colourful wild flowers, which provide habitat to some very special wildlife such as the iconic Durham Brown Argus butterfly.

  • Currently: Clear sky, 7° C
  • Tuesday: Medium-level cloud, 10° C
  • Wednesday: Medium-level cloud, 10° C